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After School Program

We offer an after school program at no cost for eligible students. The school day and the after school program combine for a total of nine hours each regular school day.

After school programs provide a safe space for students to strengthen social and emotional skills, practice academic skills and increase language acquisition rates for English Learners.

All students in grades TK-6 who meet one of the following criteria are eligible for the after school program at their school at no cost:

  • Criteria 1: Homeless youth, Foster youth, Meet state income eligibility requirements, English Learners
  • Criteria 2: Children of full-time San José Unified employees

Students who are eligible for the program will receive an invitation to register for the program.

Hacienda Science/Environmental Magnet partners with Think Together to staff the after school program. After school programs begin from the release of the school day and students may be picked up before 6:00 pm. Contact the school office for more information.

Hacienda has two other programs:

YMCA @ Hacienda

Contact Person: Roy Que-Heath | Center Director

Phone Number: 408-856-1014


BellGrad STEAM Academy @ Hacienda

Contact Person: Madlen Quincy

Phone number - 408-674-0326 

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